Purchases can be made via Visa, Mastercard or American Express. At the time of purchase, you will be asked to enter the details of your credit card in a protected electronic banking system. Due to the value of transactions through our website, card providers may sometimes automatically decline transactions for your protection. If that is the case, we may contact you directly to confirm the purchase.
We will charge your credit or debit card once we have confirmed the order and it is being processed. In the event that the sum due cannot be debited for whatever reason (including, without limitation, stopped payment or refusal by the issuer of the card), the sale will be cancelled immediately, and you will be notified via e-mail. For Bespoke orders, once all the details have been agreed upon, we will charge 50% deposit to confirm. Production will be launched upon receipt of the deposit payment. The remaining 50% balance payment is due when the item is ready to be shipped.
Payment may also be made via PayPal. If you choose this payment method, you can pay directly through your PayPal account. reserves the right to ship the goods to the address indicated on the account verified by Paypal.
You are also welcome to get in touch with us directly if you wish to make a bank transfer.
We reserve the right to cancel any transaction if we have any reason to believe it may be fraudulent or an attempted fraud.
We will charge your credit or debit card once we have confirmed the order and it is being processed. In the event that the sum due cannot be debited for whatever reason (including, without limitation, stopped payment or refusal by the issuer of the card), the sale will be cancelled immediately, and you will be notified via e-mail. For Bespoke orders, once all the details have been agreed upon, we will charge 50% deposit to confirm. Production will be launched upon receipt of the deposit payment. The remaining 50% balance payment is due when the item is ready to be shipped.
Payment may also be made via PayPal. If you choose this payment method, you can pay directly through your PayPal account. reserves the right to ship the goods to the address indicated on the account verified by Paypal.
You are also welcome to get in touch with us directly if you wish to make a bank transfer.
We reserve the right to cancel any transaction if we have any reason to believe it may be fraudulent or an attempted fraud.